What the is going on???

I am sure many of you are wondering what the hell is going on in my life. Well in normal Ang fashion I have a million stupid things going at one.

The month of August was consumed with details of the company's big yearly festival. Of course I was weeks behind due to H3's medical crisis. Then the "second job has expanded to the point that I seem to work non-stop.

The last week in August I worked 96 hours at one job and another 25 for the second. Then as soon as that was over I had t go to Portland, OR for a business trip for job #2. Last Tuesday I took the red-eye back to the east coast. My goal was to get into Raleigh at 9:00 am and sleep the day. When I got off the plane I called H3 and he had gotten confused and thought I would not be in until later. So 1 hour later he finally arrived to get me and I was so wound up that I could not sleep. I stupidly stayed up all day and the next few days sucked from jet lag.

Oh and we are moving. Somehow we made the stupid decision to move one street over into a slightly bigger house. So this weekend I am painting, cleaning and working my ass off.

So here is the upcoming schedule:

Nov. 1 - 7: move
Nov. 9 - 20: clean up old house
Nov. 27 - Dec. 1 - Business trip to Vegas
Dec. 13:I turn 42 (yuck)
Dec 15: Meg Monster graduates from college in Kentucky
Dec. 16 - 27: Visits and Christmas with family in Kentucky
New Year: Possibly find time to enjoy new house


Twinkie said...

Holy crap, woman!
We have a lot to talk about. Perhaps I'll start writing long emails you can read when you get a chance. :-)

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