Two scoops of Romeo with whip cream on top

Oct 22

The other night I was channel surfing and stopped to watch the end of Romeo & Juliet. It was the "Shakespeare meets MTV" version with Leonardo DiCaprio. Moments later my son Evan walked in the room and started watching too. He was very intrigued by the story and I explained that it was based on a play by Shakespeare and explained who he was.

Since Evan is only six, I sent him on a "mission to find something" right before Juliet (as played by Claire Danes) blew her brains out. When he finally returned, the movie was over and the following conversation ensued:

Evan: "uh is it over, how did it end?"
Me: "For never was a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo."
Evan: "Was that milkshake?"
Me: "Milkshake?"
Evan: "You know, milkshake."
Long pause......
Me: "Do you mean Shakespeare?"
Evan: "Yeah, that guy."


Kiddo78 said...

HA!!! That is awesome. Milkshake.

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