Sidewalk junkie

Oct 20

The other night hubby and I went shopping for a new skillet. Unlike most men, he likes kitchen gadgets, especially high-end ones. We had decided to look for a reasonably priced Calphalon skillet and fortunately for us we live only 3 miles from a major outlet mall.

While shopping I was distracted by all the great things on sale. And every time the young saleswoman showed me something new "husband" would go into this caveman act and say, we came for a skillet so quit looking at other stuff. Our constant bantering seemed to amuse her, but I've seen the show before and thought he was just being obnoxious.

While he was debating which skillet to purchase my cell phone rang and it was Twinkie. She was all excited about the snake killing post and was grilling me about its color and size. Our conversation was quite animated and that the fact that I was not paying attention to the skillet task seemed to irritate hubby. So after he purchased his skillet he walked out the door and assumed I would follow.

However, since I had been on the phone with Twinkie I had not finished looking around. I watched him through the window as he lit a cigarette and stood there waiting for me to follow. Several minutes later he tossed his cigarette aside, walked back in the store and said, "I thought you were finished shopping." I announced that I was still looking around but now I was ready to leave.

That's when it happened.

As soon as we walked out the door hubby noticed his cigarette, lying on the sidewalk, still burning. The next thing I knew, he bent over and tried to pick it up. But each time he got close the wind would blow it just out of reach. It was like a slow-motion image with hubby stooped over like a hunchback chasing his last meal. This went on for what seemed like an eternity until finally he grasped it, stood up and took a celebratory puff.

I was speechless at what I had just witnessed. Could this really be the person I had sworn to love for eternity? Finally I recovered and (sarcastically) said "Ah, honey are you out of cigarettes?" to which he responded, "No but they are almost $3 a pack." Then he gave me this look, like I was the stupid one for asking.

It's moments like this that you just to shut up and stay quiet. Then you can post it on your blog!


Kiddo78 said...

I love it, I love it, I love it!! Tell me -- would your husband be thoroughly (sp) annoyed by me -- that is, if I came to the Ol' South?? Can I send you something from Judy Garland (a MN native)?? Or should I just bring some booze...???

Kiddo78 said...

And another thing....let you hubby count his blessings, b/c they're, like, $5 a pack her in Yankee land. (and why am i still's almost 4 a.m.)????

Kiddo78 said...

Hmmm....should I come down there, or are you and Twinkie gonna come visit the Midwest??

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