I'm shallow, so what

Oct 22

Did anyone watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition last week when they made over the camp for special needs children? OMG, I was crying so hard I could barely finish my cosmopolitan. In fact, every Sunday night following the show I promise to be a better person, less bitchy and save the world.

But thankfully Desperate Housewives is on next and by the end of that hour I am promising myself that I will loose weight and be more like Gabrielle.

Then I wrap the night up with Gray's Anatomy and think about how great life would be if I was thin and a doctor. But do I dream about saving lives and making the world a better place? No I fantasize that I am thin and having a torrid affair with Patrick Dempsey.

I'm telling you Sunday nights are emotionally draining.


Twinkie said...

OMG That's my sister's Sunday night lineup, too. I can't take the drama. I cry every time I watch those home makeover shows. I'd rather just stick in a movie.

Kiddo78 said...

I've never seen any of those shows. I'm so lame. But if cosmos are involved, I'm so in.

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