I'm stalking you
I've noticed that people joke about stalking each other on social networking sites like My Space. From what I can tell, you are stalking someone when you frequently go to their page to see if they have updated anything or you leave frequent comments or posts.
In that respect I am guilty of stalking. I check Twinkie's blog most days to see what she has to say and I am always looking at Meg Monster's page. But Meg & Twinkie are people I have real-world relationships with. Then there are my "online" friends like Kiddo and Julie who I met online and now regularly follow their blogs.
Is it odd to comment on a stranger's post? Do Kiddo and Julie ever wonder who this weird chick is or question if I am a stalker?
It's funny how we form a perception of someone based on what they write or what types of image they post. Some of us are very good at reading between the lines but others (no names mentioned) are not.
Since we interact with online "friends" based on who we think they are, what happens when the lonely single lady you have been forming a friendship with turns out to be some weird married dude? Is it still cool that he/she reads your blog each day or does it freak you out?
What happens if your harmless kitten turns out to be a hairy ape?
I'm not married. And, please update your blog more frequently - I check it 20 or so times a day.
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