I can't stand it anymore!!!!

Okay I know this is just one more reason for Megmonster to hate me (it's a mother/daughter thing) but I just have to share with everyone how cute she is.

She got a new tattoo recently and even though I worry that one day she will regret getting them (it's a mother thing) she is just too adorable for words.

So go ahead, get mad, roll your eyes, huff and puff, mark it down on your list of things I have done to humiliate you -- I just can't take not sharing how adorable you are with all my friends.

BTW, the tattoo says "Knit or Die" - I didn't get it but according to her & H3 it's funny.


Matt said...

Holy Crap! She IS SO ADORABLE! She should have modeled for my necklace store when she was here! When is she coming back? I need her to "diversify" my stash of models.

You absolute MUST take her to ELectric Blender. She'll love it. They have a website.

You need to start doing things by yourself and LIKING IT! I do MOST Enjoyable things alone.

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