Don't be hatin'
Megmonster is in town this week for spring break. On Wednesday we went to the "city" for a "shop 'til you drop" session. I found myself saying -- don't be hatin' about 100 times. Sometimes I am amazed at how much hate there is. Megmonster complains about people judging her and her friends for how they look, but then she talks about every subset of society that she hates.
I was reading some of the blogs that her friends have posted on MY SPACE and it makes me sad how much they talk about hating this person or that group. One "friend" is a guy she knew years ago and he is uber religious. I found myself reading his blog and was stunned at the hate he spreads. How can you claim to be a Christian when you have so much hate for others?
The hate and judgmental crap is what turned me off to religion. I think it's also what turned Megmonster and her older brother against religion. But I can't understand how my kids don’t see that it doesn't matter what you believe, it' not okay to be hatin' on anyone.
Maybe I am just getting old but life is too short to waste it by hatin'. Now let's all join hands and sing kumbaya.
I'm ready! Let's sing it.
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