Two out of three ain't bad
Things have been pretty quiet lately. I felt like I needed to get control over things so I have been trying to create some routines. I am also trying to come to terms with some of my life-issues.
I think I have finally accepted that H3 is not ever going to be prince charming. Now those of you that know him are probably thinking "Did you ever really think he could be?" Well, yes and no. Up until recently I was always coming up with ways to get him to do what I wanted. For some unknown reason (maybe turning 49) I am too worn out to play "what if" anymore. I think it has sunk in that he's not changing, so if I want things a certain way I should just do it myself.
Several weeks ago I spent three days getting the house clean and straight. In the past I would have pleaded, begged and bitched at him to help me keep it clean. Now I understand that it's just not going to happen. No matter what scheme or plan I hatch, he just does not care how dirty things get. As long as he has power to the computer, high speed access and unlimited diet coke, he is as happy as a pig in shit -- literally.
So guess what? Each day I have created a routine of what housework I need to do after work and after dinner before I can sit down to watch TV. And honestly it hasn't been that bad. I have also noticed that I am not as stressed when things are clean and in order.
I think I am becoming my mother.
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