What did you say?

The other night I went into the video store to rent a copy of "Little Miss Sunshine." Of course once I got to the register the woman behind the counter announced that I owed all these fees from back in Sept. I can't figure out how we can live so close and still can't get the movies back in time.

Anyway she must have felt that I needed cheering up because she asked me if I had a good Christmas. This took me by surprise because I don't think I come across as someone who likes to chit-chat. I gave her the quick yes and then looked off. She then asked me if I got everything I wanted. Once again I just said yes. Then she announced that she didn't.

Now in my mind I am thinking "don't ask, you'll be sorry" but my curiosity got the best of me. So I said, "What did you want?"

What follows is the bizarre story of Mary Theresa Rodriguez the Blockbuster cashier.

MTR: I wanted him to divorce his wife. My papers came in last week.

Me: Oh...

MTR: I also wanted him to get me a house and the car I want.

Me: Wow, that is a lot to want

MTR: No it's not I am worth it.

Me: Yeah

MTR: I go to work everyday, then I come home and his wife has done nothing but sit around and do nothing. I keep telling him that she needs to help out. But no she does nothing and I have take care of her share of the work. I mean we all have our stuff we is supposed to do. I do stuff and the kids do stuff. You know how it is at your house you divide stuff and everyone has their stuff to do right?

Me: Uh..yeah...

MTR: Yeah and I am sick of her sitting on her butt and playing on the computer, I mean like, I like video games too but I do my work first then I play. Ever since she got that laptop all she wants to do is be on it and she don't do none of her stuff. I got two laptops and a computer too but I always do my work first. Right??

Me: (still in shock at the entire conversation and stumbling for something to say) Well maybe you should ask him to move her out of your house.

MTR: No it's not my house, we done all live together. She just need to get off her butt and do her work like all of us do, I am tired of him not making her help out. Oh you get a free rental next time. Here sign on this line and don't forget to bring in this paper before January 30 for your free movie.

Me: Uh thanks...bye


Don said...

That sounds like something out of a movie...day-um...

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