Why turning 40 sucks

There are so many reasons why it sucks to get old. But one of the biggest reasons is that you have to watch former teen idols turn into ugly old men.

When I was a tween (I think we called it pre-teens) I was obsessed with Leif Garrett. I used to imagine what our wedding would be like and how our children would look. So imagine my disappointment to discover he looks more like the BTK killer than the golden haired hunk I remember. Of course looking at him makes me wonder, do I look older than I realize.

When I was home for the holidays I was trying to act more mature, more my age. In fact, Twinkie commented more than once on how silly I was being. Of course it's easy for her, she is still thirty-something.

At what point do you accept that you should tone it down? Or is it better to live it up while you can. I just don't want to be one of those pitiful women; you know the one everyone laughs at behind her back.


Twinkie said...

First of all, stop "acting" and start living. You've never been one to dance on tables (since I've known you), so I'd say you're doing OK. And it's not like you look old. You're not one of those women who grow their grey hair long and poof it up 80's style, so chill. You KNOW I'd tell you to act your age if I thought you were out of line, right? You'd do it for me!

Secondly, WTF happened to Leif? OMG. He was still cute like 2 years ago! What the hell did he start doing? That news story didn't say exactly what kind of drugs they found on him.

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