Going home
The two week visit to the 'ville is over. It was very strange being back there. I had convinced myself that I was so homesick but as I drove around town I realized that I really did not miss it that much. Well except for the great food. Twinkie and I had lunch one day at my favorite Asian place and I savored the hot and sour soup. I wonder if she could overnight me a batch every few weeks.
When I moved away from home 20 years ago, once-a-week phone calls were the only way to stay in touch. Now between cell phones, e-mail and blogs I stay in constant contact with family and friends so it did not seem like we had been apart.
Another strange twist was that my parents and brother moved outside of the city limits a few weeks after I moved away. So it really did not feel like I was going home. I hated the fact that you have to drive 20 minutes just to get to anything. H3 and I really missed the town we live in where almost everything is within a 3-mile drive.
It was strange staying at my parent's new dream home. The guest quarters are bigger than my entire house. I realized that I have spent the past 6 months bitching about this small cottage I live in but after being in such a big house I remembered why H3 and I wanted to downsize.
While I still miss everyone I have to admit that the trip made me realize just how non-stressful our life has become since we downsized and moved to Mayberry. In fact that is why we did it. Funny how it took this trip to remind me just how chaotic our lives had been.
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