It's Groundhog Day, again ...

I feel like I am in the movie Groundhog Day. Like Bill Murry, I keep making the same mistakes over and over and over and over. You'd think at my age I would have learned that you can't run from problems.

You might dream that if you move to Mayberry or Pleasantville you will be like every other Cleaver clan but the reality is that the same bad habits and problems that plagued you before will find a their way back into your life.

So now I am in Mayberry, feeling all alone and miserable. And I know that there will never be breakfast before work, or family dinners at the table, or leisurely walks around the block before sunset. Maybe deep down I always new that it would never be perfect here. Sometimes you just want to believe that things can be easier.

But at the moment life here sucks and I wish I could click my heels and go home.


Kiddo78 said...

Awwww...well, at least you have your husband! It's better than being alone in a place you don't like. I hope it gets better soon!

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